Tuesday 19 April 2011

Act 3. RIP

“This day’s black fate on mo days both depend; This but begins the woe others must end.”

            Ah! I did such a horrible thing! I murdered my love’s cousin. I’m sorry Tybalt. Well..  I guess Im not really sorry that your dead. Im kinda more sorry that Mercutio is dead and now Im exiled and I cant see my wife or family and friends. Truthfully your death is kinda a good thing. I don’t have to deal with maybe seeing you around town and starting a fight and blah blah blah.

“As if that name, Shot from the deadly level of a gun, Did murder her; As that name’s cursed hand, murdered her kinsman.”’

            Im happy, actually, Im happy I killed you. You killed my best friend! Damn right I wanted to kill you! But I guess I shouldn’t of. I should have just left it and let YOU get exiled and not me. That would have been way better. Then I would be able to see Juliet and YOU would be in the middle of no where. And rotting… Haha but your rotting anyway. AHAHAHAH. Wow I feel like Im having mood swings or something lol first Im vengeful? Which really Im allowed to be cuz damn Tybalt killed MA BEST FRIEND!
And then Im guilty lol this makes no sense., But my favorite emotion of all.. LOOOOVE

            Did you really think I would do a post without me blabbing on about Juliet. Good news guys! I lost my V card ;) ahahaha. That’s right! Climbed up that balcony! What an awesome way to say goodbye to my love. Actually! Screw that! Its not goodbye its just a ttyl!

“Farewell, farwell! One kiss, and I will descend”



  1. Its gonna suck without ya mannnn :( Hopefully you can come back sooner than laterrrzz

    Love ya cuzz

  2. Oh Romeo, we are so glad that you are ok. We would like to see you before you depart on your exiled journey. We love you so much but why are you so stupid and what of this, Losing your V card? To whom? I swear if it is a Capulet girl that is this lady I will disown you from our family.

    Love your parents xoxo.

  3. Romeo, you killed Tybalt for me, and I am grateful that you did, but I must implore you to think about what’s happening around you! Is Juliet worth dying and potentially starting a war between the families? At the very least, think about the pain you will bring her.

  4. You deserve all this pain! Now you and Juliet will never be together!! This is all for the best. A Montague and a Capulet getting married wouldn't have lasted very long. LOrd Montague and Lord Capulet would have found out sooner or later and you would have been hung to your death!
