Monday 4 April 2011

Act 1

I hate how depressed I am. I always go for what I cant get and end up disappointed. She wont let me get near her; she wont let me talk to her. She won’t even give me a second glance. When I see her flawless face, everyone else in the room seems to disappear. Ah, what I wouldn’t give to have a chance with such a beautiful creation.          
            Benny just wants me to go out and have fun and look at other girls. But I can’t stop comparing every girl Rosaline. She is the perfect woman for me; I doubt that Benny or anyone else will be able to find a girl good enough to distract me from my already perfect match.

An invitation? To a sick party? Of course I can’t decline. Hosted by the Capulets. UGH! Little does this guy know that I am a Montague. This shall be fun!

Do my eyes deceive me? It can’t be! It is as if Rosaline has never existed. Is it possible to fall in love at first sight twice? I’ve never seen such beauty in my life. The moment I saw her, I knew I had to make a move. Without hesitation I was drawing her in the entire night with glances and winks. Breaking out the new wheels. And then I went in for the kill. I grabbed her hand and declared how strong my feelings were for her were already. She was hesitant. But we soon found out her feelings were mutual.

At last, the start of something new!!


  1. Love does not exist. There is only hate. The world is full of pain,misery. Those who believe that love is real are doomed to a life of suffering.

    I'm going to kill you, you horn-beast. If I ever see you taking an interest in my cousin, I'm going to track you down...and you know what comes next. I was forced to leave you alone at the party but just you wait, when I get the chance, you're done for. You will suffer!

  2. Was it-?
    No, it can't be!
    My good lord!

    You are the Montague punk making kissy face with my woman!
    Love at first sight my great sexy butt!
    I advise you to step away from my woman "Prince of Wheelz" or you will be forced to feel my rash!

    ~ Parisistheshizz<3

    Sticks and stones may break my bones..
    But chains and whips excite me;)
    WAIT... But words will never hurt me... you Rank Rump-Fed Nut-Hooks.

  4. Stop fighting like girls, grow a pair and calm down.

  5. My dear son, we were so worried that there was something worse then a girl that won’t give you the time of day. Dad says “don’t let them girls bring you down, there are many fish in the sea.” We hope the very best for you. Love mom and dad.

  6. I am glad you are feeling well again Romeo. Remember, if you are ever feeling depressed again and you need help to cheer up I've got just the stuff for you! Tell all your friends! Best prices here! (Don't ask why...)

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!


  8. ...I will have you regret ever having feelings like this for my dear Juliet, you twat!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. yo cuzm Thank frickin god you came around and partied it up with me and my boyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz , hope you had a pimpin time.. party with me and we'll hit up these ho3ezz.

  11. The party was a success then, as I knew it would be. Now tell me Romeo, what is the name of the lovely lady? You make it sound as though she’s more beautiful than Rosaline, who was the shining sun in her looks.

  12. I do feel the same way Romeo....
