Tuesday 19 April 2011

Act 3. RIP

“This day’s black fate on mo days both depend; This but begins the woe others must end.”

            Ah! I did such a horrible thing! I murdered my love’s cousin. I’m sorry Tybalt. Well..  I guess Im not really sorry that your dead. Im kinda more sorry that Mercutio is dead and now Im exiled and I cant see my wife or family and friends. Truthfully your death is kinda a good thing. I don’t have to deal with maybe seeing you around town and starting a fight and blah blah blah.

“As if that name, Shot from the deadly level of a gun, Did murder her; As that name’s cursed hand, murdered her kinsman.”’

            Im happy, actually, Im happy I killed you. You killed my best friend! Damn right I wanted to kill you! But I guess I shouldn’t of. I should have just left it and let YOU get exiled and not me. That would have been way better. Then I would be able to see Juliet and YOU would be in the middle of no where. And rotting… Haha but your rotting anyway. AHAHAHAH. Wow I feel like Im having mood swings or something lol first Im vengeful? Which really Im allowed to be cuz damn Tybalt killed MA BEST FRIEND!
And then Im guilty lol this makes no sense., But my favorite emotion of all.. LOOOOVE

            Did you really think I would do a post without me blabbing on about Juliet. Good news guys! I lost my V card ;) ahahaha. That’s right! Climbed up that balcony! What an awesome way to say goodbye to my love. Actually! Screw that! Its not goodbye its just a ttyl!

“Farewell, farwell! One kiss, and I will descend”


Monday 11 April 2011



Sorry… I had a panic attack..
Well anyway. Yeah so I got married to Juliet (obvs). EVEN THOUGH she’s a Capulet. It was quite the shindig. Just Friar, Julie and me, little ol’ Romeo! Not so little anymore (winky face). Because today… Today, I AM A MAN!             

            Lets just recap on the past day. So last night I met Juliet and we fell in love! And I told her that I wanted to marry her and she said “aight! I’ll get the nurse to talk to you”. Then we totally had this hot make out session. It was sick legit. This morning me and my homies were chillen in the court yard and the nurse came over with this huge sail of a vail and Mercutio being Mercutio made fun of the poor old lady and totally made way too many sexual innuendos. That’s my home boy! In the end the nurse talked to me and decided that I was a perfect match for her Juliet. Of course, I ran straight to Friar and we got ready. When I saw my beautiful love, I just wanted to ram that!… the wedding ring on her finger I mean.. hehe ;)

All in all I am the happiest man in the world right now! I have the hottest chick in the city.
Now I must run to my WIFE!! Ahah I love saying that. J
PEACE and blessings. Peace and blessings :D
-R <3

Monday 4 April 2011

Act 1

I hate how depressed I am. I always go for what I cant get and end up disappointed. She wont let me get near her; she wont let me talk to her. She won’t even give me a second glance. When I see her flawless face, everyone else in the room seems to disappear. Ah, what I wouldn’t give to have a chance with such a beautiful creation.          
            Benny just wants me to go out and have fun and look at other girls. But I can’t stop comparing every girl Rosaline. She is the perfect woman for me; I doubt that Benny or anyone else will be able to find a girl good enough to distract me from my already perfect match.

An invitation? To a sick party? Of course I can’t decline. Hosted by the Capulets. UGH! Little does this guy know that I am a Montague. This shall be fun!

Do my eyes deceive me? It can’t be! It is as if Rosaline has never existed. Is it possible to fall in love at first sight twice? I’ve never seen such beauty in my life. The moment I saw her, I knew I had to make a move. Without hesitation I was drawing her in the entire night with glances and winks. Breaking out the new wheels. And then I went in for the kill. I grabbed her hand and declared how strong my feelings were for her were already. She was hesitant. But we soon found out her feelings were mutual.

At last, the start of something new!!