Friday 6 May 2011

Act 5

This is a recap of my life as Juliet joined it. The happiest and saddest moments of my life caught on tape.
RIP Juliet, I will always love you.

Act 4. The Interview

Rita Skeeter: “Hello there Romeo, Thank you for sitting down and chatting with me.”
Romeo Montague: “ No Problem.”
Rita Skeeter: “ Well, first off. Why Juliet?”
Romeo Montague: “The big question is, why not Juliet? Haha! She is a Capulet. I know I know. The enemy! But if she wasn’t a Capulet, nobody would care. Everyone would just pass us up as another young couple. But our last names make everyone hate our relationship. I don’t care what her last name is. I love her, for who she is.”
Rita Skeeter: “Alright. Second Question. What were your intentions to kill Tybalt?”
Romeo Montague: “ He killed my best friend!  I know it does not make it justified, but out of rage and hatred. I stabbed him. It wasn’t totally purposeful. But out fight lasted a long time and I started to get tired. One good swing of my sword and Tybalt was dead.”
Rita Skeeter: “I see, Do you regret killing Tybalt?”
Romeo Montague: “In a way. Yes. If it wasn’t for me killing Tybalt, I wouldn’t have been exiled and I would be with my love. But, in a way I don’t.. Now he’s dead and I don’t have to deal with him anymore!
Rita Skeeter: “Uh huh… How has being exiled been?”
Romeo Montague: “It is horrible! It’s so boring here! And there have been outbursts of the black plague! And I don’t get to see my love.”
Rita Skeeter: “ And lastly, Are you going to try to get back into Verona?”
Romeo Montague: “ ARE YOU STUPID??…. Sorry! I didn’t mean that. But of course I am going to try to get back into Verona. My love and my life is there!”
Rita Skeeter: “ All right. Thanks for sitting down and talking with me”